Deepak Arora, REALTOR®, Associate

"Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people." – Roy T. Bennett.

"The best investment on earth is Real Estate."

I have called Edmonton Home since 2007. It is a place that I am so proud to live in, grow with, and invest in with my family. One of the first things that I had to learn upon arriving in Edmonton was how to stay warm and safe in colder weather. Edmonton, despite being a big city, is still small in comparison to where I come from. I was born and raised in Punjab and New Delhi, India, a City of over 20 million people. I have travelled to almost every part of India and have learned a lot about different cultures through my vast travels.

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Deepak Arora The Real Estate Player- We met Deepak and in no time we turned ourselves into "Real Estate Investors" With his in-depth Real Estate knowledge and Fine Expertise, you are sure to trust him to a higher level. He takes one step at a time while advising you the right thing of the process... Read More

~ Sam.., Edmonton (Buyer) 4 days ago

A friend gave me Deepak's information, and I am truly glad we met. Deepak took the time to explain and educate us about the market, costs for repairs and renovations, choosing contractors and suppliers, and even just how/what to look for when visiting properties. He constantly encouraged us to re... Read More

~ Chris P., Edmonton, AB (Buyer) 1 week ago

How I Liv

  • What do you Liv for?:
    To cook and be healthy!
  • What's your favourite local restaurant?
    I have a few favourite ones like Chop, The Rec Room for Naples style pizza, but I like Guru the most – Fine Indian Cuisine.
  • If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
    Barrack Obama, so I could understand how he can be such a humble family man and yet a strong individual at the same time.
  • What is your dream vacation?
    My dream vacation is Italy- Venice and Naples. The food and wine there are amazing, the views are out of the world.
  • If you had a 25 hour day, while everyone else only had 24, what would you do with the extra time?
    I would meditate or work out for an extra hour, Healthy mind in a healthy body is so true.
  • If you could personally witness one event in history, what would it be?
    The making of Taj Mehal by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in 1632 and Golden Temple by Guru Ram Das in 1577.
  • What’s your favourite quote?
    Your Life is Your Karma! You are your own creator.

Contact Deepak to help you with your next home.