Here is our weekly update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week's numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 611 (544, 433, 530)
Sales: 435 (388, 430, 470)
Ratio: 71% (71%, 99%, 89%)
Price Changes: 340 (288, 332, 344)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 249 (326, 165, 196)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: -73 (-170, -162, -136)
Active single-family home listings: 2371 (2340, 2320, 2358)
Active condo listings: 1506 (1512, 1567, 1602)
Homes 4-week running average: $510 ($501, $510, $516)
Condos 4-week running average: $233 ($234, $235, $235)

127 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our weekly update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week's numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 544 (433, 530, 565)
Sales: 388 (430, 470, 460)
Ratio: 71% (99%, 89%, 81%)
Price Changes: 288 (332, 344, 337)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 326 (165, 196, 205)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: -170 (-162, -136, -100)
Active single-family home listings: 2340 (2320, 2358, 2348)
Active condo listings: 1512 (1567, 1602, 1594)
Homes 4-week running average: $501 ($510, $516, $529)
Condos 4-week running average: $234 ($235, $235, $235)

208 Views, 0 Comments

In August 2024, the Greater Edmonton real estate market once again demonstrated robust growth amidst evolving economic conditions. The benchmark price for single-family homes reached a record high of $476,700, marking a significant 7.6% increase from the previous year. Furthermore, apartment-style condos and townhouses witnessed remarkable growth, with prices surging by 10.6% to $197,700, and 14.8% to $269,800, respectively.

Despite a seasonally typical 12% decrease in sales from the bustling activity observed in July, sales in August notably increased 15% from last year, substantially exceeding typical levels for the season. Even with a 5% year-over-year increase in listings, strong demand has ensured that inventory levels remain below the norm. By…

264 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our weekly update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week's numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 433 (530, 565, 603)
Sales: 430 (470, 460, 374)
Ratio: 99% (89%, 81%, 62%)
Price Changes: 332 (344, 337, 355)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 165 (196, 205, 170)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: -162 (-136, -100, 59)
Active single-family home listings: 2320 (2358, 2348, 2331)
Active condo listings: 1567 (1602, 1594, 1606)
Homes 4-week running average: $510 ($516, $529, $527)
Condos 4-week running average: $235 ($235, $235, $235)

288 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our weekly update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week's numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 530 (565, 603, 543)
Sales: 470 (460, 374, 512)
Ratio: 89% (81%, 62%, 94%)
Price Changes: 344 (337, 355, 299)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 196 (205, 170, 289)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: -136 (-100, 59, -258)
Active single-family home listings: 2358 (2348, 2331, 2276)
Active condo listings: 1602 (1594, 1606, 1557)
Homes 4-week running average: $516 ($529, $527, $532)
Condos 4-week running average: $235 ($235, $235, $233)

331 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our weekly update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week's numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 565 (603, 543, 570)
Sales: 460 (374, 512, 487)
Ratio: 81% (62%, 94%, 85%)
Price Changes: 337 (355, 299, 291)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 205 (170, 289, 170)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: -100 (59, -258, -87)
Active single-family home listings: 2348 (2331, 2276, 2344)
Active condo listings: 1594 (1606, 1557, 1635)
Homes 4-week running average: $529 ($527, $532, $526)
Condos 4-week running average: $235 ($235, $233, $234)

469 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our weekly update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week's numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 603 (543, 570, 626)
Sales: 374 (512, 487, 513)
Ratio: 62% (94%, 85%, 82%)
Price Changes: 355 (299, 291, 309)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 170 (289, 170, 172)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: 59 (-258, -87, -59)
Active single-family home listings: 2331 (2276, 2344, 2332)
Active condo listings: 1606 (1557, 1635, 1605)
Homes 4-week running average: $527 ($532, $526, $526)
Condos 4-week running average: $235 ($233, $234, $237)

474 Views, 0 Comments

Far from the anticipated seasonal slowdown, the real estate market was decidedly busy in the Edmonton area in July, reinforcing the seller's advantage that has characterized Edmonton's real estate landscape for the past 18 months.

A striking 27% year-over-year increase in sales this July, coupled with a modest but notable 3% rise from June 2024, paints a picture of a market buzzing with activity during a time usually marked by camping trips and summer vacations. Listings increased 11% over last year, which helped ease the pressure from buyers a bit, but strong sales led to a 17% drop in inventory (2 months supply). 

The Bank of Canada's decision to cut its benchmark rate by 25 basis points in late July — its second reduction in just two months —…

842 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our weekly update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week's numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 543 (570, 626, 665)
Sales: 512 (487, 513, 481)
Ratio: 94% (85%, 82%, 72%)
Price Changes: 299 (291, 309, 318)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 289 (170, 172, 163)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: -258 (-87, -59, 21)
Active single-family home listings: 2276 (2344, 2332, 2290)
Active condo listings: 1557 (1635, 1605, 1583)
Homes 4-week running average: $532 ($526, $526, $527)
Condos 4-week running average: $233 ($234, $237, $242)

554 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our weekly update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week's numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 570 (626, 665, 536)
Sales: 487 (513, 481, 402)
Ratio: 85% (82%, 72%, 75%)
Price Changes: 291 (309, 318, 268)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 170 (172, 163, 272)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: -87 (-59, 21, -138)
Active single-family home listings: 2344 (2332, 2290, 2203)
Active condo listings: 1635 (1605, 1583, 1542)
Homes 4-week running average: $526 ($526, $527, $519)
Condos 4-week running average: $ 234 ($237, $242, $245)

886 Views, 0 Comments