We missed the Edmonton forecast this year, so we came to Calgary to see what's expected to happen to the real estate market in Calgary at the #CREB2018 Economic and Housing Forecast. I'll be updating this post as information is shared. The forecast was provided by CREB Economist: Ann-Marie Lurie, here is a summary of her remarks: Calgary was on a path of recovery in 2017, which is expected to continue in 2018 (more of the same) with so new challenges. Alberta has the strongest growth in GDP in the country, but we're not back to where we once were. Energy prices are far better than what we've seen over the past couple of years, but challenges still exist. Modest gains are expected in the energy sector in Alberta. "Housing market conditions are expected…

550 Views, 1 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days: New Listings: 459 (474, 458, 243) # Sales: 174 (179, 133, 107) Ratio: 38% (38%, 29%, 44%) # Price Changes: 212 (257, 196, 134) # Expired/Off Market Listings: 163 (187, 225, 661) Net loss/gain in listings this week: 122 (108, 100, -525) Active single family home listings: 2632 (2562, 2491, 2406) Active condo listings: 2042 (1987, 1946, 1891) Homes 4-week running average: $429k ($426k, $406k, $419k) Condos 4-week running average: $226k ($222k, $227k, $238k) Have a great weekend!

352 Views, 0 Comments

Your windows can be responsible for up to 30 to 40 per cent of energy lost in your home. When winter rolls around and you start to feel a cold draft coming from your windows, it could be a sign that it’s time for a replacement. If you have noticeably warped or damaged frames, original aluminum sliders or older wood-framed windows that feel soft and possibly rotten, a window replacement is in your future.

Benefits of a window replacement.

Replacing all the windows in your home is going to be an expensive job. While it might feel like a hit, you will enjoy the benefits after the job is complete. Your home will retain heat in the winter and cool air in the summer, making your home more comfortable and energy efficient. You will start saving money on your…

1193 Views, 0 Comments

You might not notice the wear and tear on your home, but potential buyers will! Make a great first impression by taking care of a few fixes and simple upgrades. Not only will this boost your curb appeal and make your home more attractive on the market, it can also help you get more qualified offers and a quicker sale. Photo Credit: Alair Homes Here are the top 3 things to fix before you sell your home.

Give your interior a fresh coat of paint.

Painting your home’s interior is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to give your home a complete upgrade and fresh new look. It will cover stains, blemishes and general wear and tear, making your home look new and inviting. Whether your DIY this project or hire one of the best painters in…

519 Views, 1 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days: New Listings: 474 (458, 243, 89) # Sales: 179 (133, 107, 108) Ratio: 38% (29%, 44%, 121%) # Price Changes: 257 (196, 134, 77) # Expired/Off Market Listings: 187 (225, 661, 146) Net loss/gain in listings this week: 108 (100, -525, -165) Active single family home listings: 2562 (2491, 2406, 2682) Active condo listings: 1987 (1946, 1891, 2120) Homes 4-week running average: $426k ($406k, $419k, $419k) Condos 4-week running average: $222k ($227k, $238k, $239k) Well, I have no technological excuse for my late post this week, I simply forgot. Which is a first. I apologize for the delay getting the weekly stats up. It has certainly been an…

399 Views, 7 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days: New Listings: 458 (243, 89, 233) # Sales: 133 (107, 108, 206) Ratio: 29% (44%, 121%, 88%) # Price Changes: 196 (134, 77, 123) # Expired/Off Market Listings: 225 (661, 146, 275) Net loss/gain in listings this week: 100 (-525, -165, -248) Active single family home listings: 2491 (2406, 2682, 2773) Active condo listings: 1946 (1891, 2120, 2166) Homes 4-week running average: $406k ($419k, $419k, $429k) Condos 4-week running average: $206k ($238k, $239k, $239k) Have a great weekend!

370 Views, 4 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days: New Listings: 243 (89, 233, 292) # Sales: 107 (108, 206, 194) Ratio: 44% (121%, 88%, 66%) # Price Changes: 134 (77, 123, 173) # Expired/Off Market Listings: 661 (146, 275, 186) Net loss/gain in listings this week: -525 (-165, -248, -88) Active single family home listings: 2406 (2682, 2773, 2928) Active condo listings: 1891 (2120, 2166, 2222) Homes 4-week running average: $419k ($419k, $429k, $433k) Condos 4-week running average: $238k ($239k, $239k, $238k) (*Note, the graph legend will be updated shortly to show 2018, but the new numbers are still charted on graph(s) above). Have a great weekend:)

398 Views, 14 Comments