Things are looking a lot better than last year in a few real estate categories in Edmonton this month, with supply coming down, and demand coming up. Sales were up over last year, and sales tend to be a leading indicator for prices - when sales go down, prices inevitably follow and when sales go up, prices tend to rise as well, in time. The REALTORS® Association of Edmonton released their report on the Greater Edmonton area market today, saying:

 “As we head into the spring buying season with stable prices, coupled with increases in unit sales and seasonally-appropriate inventory levels, it seems like a positive sign for our market,” says James Mabey, REALTORS® Association of Edmonton Chair.

Here's our snapshot on the real estate market in the Greater…

474 Views, 2 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days: New Listings: 516 (424, 475, 440) # Sales: 224 (235, 200, 198) Ratio: 43% (55%, 42%, 45%) # Price Changes: 219 (248, 198, 240) # Expired/Off Market Listings: 124 (140, 136, 322) Net loss/gain in listings this week: 168 (49, 139, -80) Active single family home listings: 2,479 (2,400, 2,371, 2,293) Active condo listings: 2,100 (2,017, 1,981, 1,909) Homes 4-week running average: $418k ($420k, $424k, $421k) Condos 4-week running average: $240k ($245k, $246k, $249k) *UPDATE - March 3* Some of you noticed some issues with the numbers in this post and were in fact correct. It looks as though my spreadsheet didn't save correctly and a week of…

482 Views, 12 Comments

It’s all about curb appeal. Making that first good impression on potential home buyers starts with how your home looks like from the street. A well-designed landscape, green lawn, beautiful trees and maintained walkways will make it more aesthetically pleasing and could boost your resale value. In the same way that good landscaping can attract buyers to your property, bad landscaping or an unkempt yard can turn them away. Professional landscapers in Edmonton can help you improve your home’s curb appeal, help you get a better return on investment and create an outdoor space you’re going to love using in the meantime. Photo credit: RCL Canada Landscape Contractors & Supply According to an article published on House Logic about landscaping to increase…

740 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days: New Listings: 424 (475, 440, 431) # Sales: 235 (200, 198, 159) Ratio: 55% (42%, 45%, 37%) # Price Changes: 248 (198, 240, 260) # Expired/Off Market Listings: 140 (136, 322, 136) Net loss/gain in listings this week: 49 (139, -80, 136) Active single family home listings: 2,400 (2,371, 2,293, 2,325) Active condo listings: 2,017 (1,981, 1,909, 1,952) Homes 4-week running average: $420k ($424k, $421k, $426k) Condos 4-week running average: $245k ($246k, $249k, $232k) The blog is now moved to our new host, everything went well except we lost two comments. So sorry if yours was the one lost! Have a great weekend!

478 Views, 24 Comments

If you have older windows or if they are damaged, you could be losing a lot of energy and should consider a window replacement. Some tell-tale signs that your windows need replacing include:

  • fog or condensation build up
  • rot or mould on wooden window frames
  • obvious warping or damage to the frame
  • drafts
  • cracked or peeling caulking
Your windows are the biggest culprit for energy loss in your home. If your windows are suffering any of the symptoms listed above, you could be losing more energy than you think and paying way too much on your utility bills each month.

Save energy and money with ENERGY STAR certified windows.

If you’re in the market for new energy efficient windows, you should choose windows that are ENERGY STAR…

621 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days: New Listings: 475 (440, 431, 449) # Sales: 200 (198, 159, 134) Ratio: 42% (45%, 37%, 30%) # Price Changes: 198 (240, 260, 204) # Expired/Off Market Listings: 136 (322, 136, 208) Net loss/gain in listings this week: 139 (-80, 136, 107) Active single family home listings: 2,371 (2,293, 2,325, 2,245) Active condo listings: 1,981 (1,909, 1,952, 1,892) Homes 4-week running average: $424k ($421k, $426k, $422k) Condos 4-week running average: $246k ($249k, $232k, $236k) We are in the process of moving the blog to a new host, which is why I haven't posted much lately. It should happen any day now, but there are always glitches. I appreciate…

632 Views, 16 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days: New Listings: 440 (431, 449, 390) # Sales: 198 (159, 134, 124) Ratio: 45% (37%, 30%, 32%) # Price Changes: 240 (260, 204, 205) # Expired/Off Market Listings: 322 (136, 208, 179) Net loss/gain in listings this week: -80 (136, 107, 87) Active single family home listings: 2,293 (2,325, 2,245, 2,188) Active condo listings: 1,909 (1,952, 1,892, 1,819) Homes 4-week running average: $421k ($426k, $422k, $420k) Condos 4-week running average: $249k ($232k, $236k, $248k) It's looking a lot like 2015 this year, which is better than last year. Have a great weekend!

575 Views, 15 Comments