Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days: New Listings: 632 (511, 650, 628) # Sales: 312 (263, 313, 243) Ratio: 49% (51%, 48%, 39%) # Price Changes: 369 (288, 306, 361) # Expired/Off Market Listings: 159 (165, 147, 297) Net loss/gain in listings this week: 161 (83, 190, 88) Active single family home listings: 3084 (2,992, 2,958, 2,848) Active condo listings: 2,592 (2,520, 2,494, 2,411) Homes 4-week running average: $436k ($436k, $433k, $430k, $440k) Condos 4-week running average: $256k ($251k, $246k, $239k) Monthly report coming on Monday! Have a great weekend!

483 Views, 22 Comments

Situated on the North Saskatchewan river, Edmonton, AB, attracts many pests. Mosquitoes are especially prevalent in the area, drawn to humidity and standing water. Another major problem for residents, ants frequently invade homes in the area. Lured into buildings by spilled grease, sweets, meats, and crumbs, Pharaoh ants will nest inside year-round. Carpenter ants are of more concern, though, as these pests will excavate wood to make their nesting site. Finally, carpet beetles hide underneath carpets and baseboards, as well as in dark closets, and can cause serious damage when left unchecked.

Potential Problems Caused by Home Pests

Like any unwanted guest, their presence can be extremely annoying and inconvenient. Beyond that, these pests cause serious…

624 Views, 0 Comments

If your driveway is cracked, sinking in areas and generally looking worse-for-wear, it might be time for a new concrete driveway. Not only will a new driveway improve curb appeal, it will also boost resale value, make shoveling snow easier and give you extra space to park your vehicles. Photo Credit: Con-Tile Industries Here are the advantages to installing a new concrete driveway:

Concrete will increase property value.

Boost your curb appeal and you’ll boost your home’s resale value. If you’re planning on selling, a good first impression can actually add value to your home. The driveway and walkways are the first things a potential home buyer is going to see when they check out your house. If your concrete is sinking and in dire need of…

711 Views, 1 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days: New Listings: 511 (650, 628, 503) # Sales: 263 (313, 243, 231) Ratio: 51% (48%, 39%, 46%) # Price Changes: 288 (306, 361, 329) # Expired/Off Market Listings: 165 (147, 297, 132) Net loss/gain in listings this week: 83 (190, 88, 140) Active single family home listings: 2,992 (2,958, 2,848, 2,781) Active condo listings: 2,520 (2,494, 2,411, 2,369) Homes 4-week running average: $436k ($433k, $430k, $440k) Condos 4-week running average: $256k ($251k, $246k, $239k) Interesting news out of Ontario this week, let's just hope none of that makes its way west. Let's Go Oilers!!!!!

478 Views, 18 Comments

Building a fence around your property has many benefits. A solid fence is both decorative and practical as it adds attractiveness, security and privacy to your yard. A fence will provide your family with a safe and secluded outdoor living space for your entertaining, relaxing, gardening and for your children to play in. An attractive fence will also increase your property value and make your home more marketable when it comes time to sell. Photo credit: Soldan Fence & Metals Hiring a fence contractor in Edmonton will ensure your fence is built properly and that all local regulations and building permits are obtained for the project. Alternatively, you could choose to build the fence yourself. Here are some DIY tips on how to build a fence:

Obtain a…

519 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days: New Listings: 650 (628, 503, 565) # Sales: 313 (243, 231, 276) Ratio: 48% (39%, 46%, 49%) # Price Changes: 306 (361, 329, 326) # Expired/Off Market Listings: 147 (297, 132, 126) Net loss/gain in listings this week: 190 (88, 140, 163) Active single family home listings: 2,958 (2,848, 2,781, 2,736) Active condo listings: 2,494 (2,411, 2,369, 2,305) Homes 4-week running average: $433k ($430k, $440k, $438k) Condos 4-week running average: $251k ($246k, $239k, $235k) Lots of activity this week. It doesn't look much like spring outside at the moment, but the market is finally starting to look like a spring market. This is the first time, in a…

497 Views, 5 Comments

Planning a renovation project in your home can be especially challenging if you're living there while the work is being done. Add a couple kids and pets to the mix and you've got yourself a very chaotic household. Whether you're doing the work yourself or hiring a contractor, once your project is underway even simple tasks will be difficult. Personal items will be moved from their usual spots, tools and equipment will block well-traveled traffic areas, and work zone noise and dust will permeate your entire home. To reduce the stress associated with your disrupted routine you'll need to take these crucial steps BEFORE you start these home renovations: The first thing you'll want to do: Set up a temporary family staging centre in an area away from…

592 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days: New Listings: 628 (503, 565, 535) # Sales: 243 (231, 276, 264) Ratio: 39% (46%, 49%, 49%) # Price Changes: 361 (329, 326, 262) # Expired/Off Market Listings: 297 (132, 126, 142) Net loss/gain in listings this week: 88 (140, 163, 129) Active single family home listings: 2,848 (2,781, 2,736, 2,670) Active condo listings: 2,411 (2,369, 2,305, 2,217) Homes 4-week running average: $430k ($440k, $438k, $437k) Condos 4-week running average: $246k ($239k, $235k, $234k) With the market conditions better than last year (even if it's just slightly better) I'm surprised we're still seeing more price reductions than sales. However, when you have a…

532 Views, 7 Comments

The REALTORS® Association of Edmonton released their monthly report on the real estate market in Edmonton this week, saying:

“We generally see activity in the housing market start to increase at this time of year,” says James Mabey, REALTORS® Association of Edmonton Chair. “Buyers can look forward to more inventory to choose from and sellers can count on more buyers in the marketplace.”

There are some interesting sub-plots going on when you dig into the numbers. First off, luxury home sales have significantly increased in the first quarter of 2017: As you can see from our snapshot on the market below, prices are up slightly, while inventory is down and sales are up: The board changed the way they report sales, so I won't have to make adjustments…

434 Views, 4 Comments