Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 516 (526, 606, 664)
Sales: 411 (430, 433, 425)
Ratio: 80% (82%, 71%, 64%)
Price Changes: 398 (344, 403, 415)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 179 (203, 179, 198)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: -74 (-107, -6, 41)
Active single-family home listings: 2976 (2958, 2973, 2994)
Active condo listings: 1914 (1917, 1919, 1857)
Homes 4-week running average: $473 ($474, $484, $485)
Condos 4-week running average: $220 ($218, $217, $215)

748 Views, 1 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 526 (606, 664, 615)
Sales: 430 (433, 425, 413)
Ratio: 82% (71%, 64%, 67%)
Price Changes: 344 (403, 415, 459)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 203 (179, 198, 331)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: -107 (-6, 41, -129)
Active single-family home listings: 2958 (2973, 2994, 2903)
Active condo listings: 1917 (1919, 1857, 1814)
Homes 4-week running average: $474 ($484, $485, $483)
Condos 4-week running average: $218 ($217, $215, $218)

735 Views, 2 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 606 (664, 615, 603)
Sales: 433 (425, 413, 420)
Ratio: 71% (64%, 67%, 70%)
Price Changes: 403 (415, 459, 390)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 179 (198, 331, 174)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: -6 (41, -129, 9)
Active single-family home listings: 2973 (2994, 2903, 2940)
Active condo listings: 1919 (1857, 1814, 1841)
Homes 4-week running average: $484 ($485, $483, $482)
Condos 4-week running average: $217 ($215, $218, $221)

549 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 664 (615, 603, 649)
Sales: 425 (413, 420, 493)
Ratio: 64% (67%, 70%, 76%)
Price Changes: 415 (459, 390, 395)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 198 (331, 174, 194)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: 41 (-129, 9, -38)
Active single-family home listings: 2994 (2903, 2940, 2901)
Active condo listings: 1857 (1814, 1841, 1836)
Homes 4-week running average: $485($483, $482, $478)
Condos 4-week running average: $215 ($218, $221, $219)

677 Views, 0 Comments

Some interesting things are happening in the Greater Edmonton Real Estate market right now. Although sales dropped 5% from last May, they took a major jump compared to April. Meanwhile, fewer new listings came onto the market, and the inventory dropped to the lowest level we've seen in May in at least 7 years. This pushed us into a stronger seller's market with only 2.6 months of inventory. 

With the rents on the rise and very low vacancy rates, more people are considering purchasing condos. We've seen an increase in investors looking for condos to buy and rent out; there is also more interest in condos outside of the downtown core where there is almost a 10-month supply of condos (a severe buyer's market).

City of…

1023 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 615 (603, 649, 661)
Sales: 413 (420, 493, 422)
Ratio: 67% (70%, 76%, 64%)
Price Changes: 459 (390, 395, 351)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 331 (174, 194, 202)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: -129 (9, -38, 37)
Active single-family home listings: 2903 (2940, 2901, 2839)
Active condo listings: 1814 (1841, 1836, 1795)
Homes 4-week running average: $483 ($482, $478, $477)
Condos 4-week running average: $218 ($221, $219, $222)

753 Views, 2 Comments