Jordan Thimer,  REALTOR®, Associate
REALTOR®, Associate

Jordan Thimer

Growing up on a dairy farm, some of my fondest memories are helping my father in the parlour on Sunday mornings—looking back, I wouldn’t have it any other way. In my early life, I developed discipline that I harness today.

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Jordan Thimer has been rated by 16 clients
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As a real estate agent, Jordan conducts his work thoroughly and efficiently throughout the entire selling process. Jordan is a dependable and knowledgeable real estate agent who helped me sell the house.His work has allowed me to have minimal worries during an important and stressful time. I reco... Read More

~ John Bidea, Edmonton, Alberta (Seller) 3 months ago

Jordan Thimer is an engaging, knowledgeable professional. He is a good listener and gives excellent support. He knows his business and cares about his clients and their needs. He helped sell our property quickly and for above asking price. He marketed our condo extremely well. We used Jordan ... Read More

~ Breck McHan, Edmonton, Alberta (Seller) 3 months ago

How I Liv

  • What do you Liv for?
    I liv to learn from others.
  • What would you do if you won the lottery?
    I’d take my father on a golf trip to Ireland.
  • What's your favourite local restaurant?
    We have so many great restaurants, but my new favourite is Leopard. I could eat their pizza every day of the week.
  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
    Teleportation. Coffee in London to start the day? Sure. Beach day on the Sunshine Coast? Why not! Life would be so fun. I’d have a lifetime of memories after a few months.

Contact Jordan to help you with your next home.