Lindsay Parsons, REALTOR®, Associate
REALTOR®, Associate

Lindsay Parsons

Rest assured; I will never sell you on anything - ever! I firmly believe my job is guiding you, not selling you. Whether you are looking to buy or sell or do both, I will be there to share information, provide options and help you make the best choice for you.

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Lindsay Parsons has been rated by 217 clients
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Working with Lindsay was a great experience. He was quick to respond to our questions and kept us updated on the status of our sale. Read More

~ Carrie Routhier, Edmonton (Seller) 3 days ago

I just want to say that Lindsay did an excellent job. He is a compassionate caring realtor. I had just lost my husband and Lindsay very carefully and patiently explained the process. I would definitely recommend Lindsay. Read More

~ Mary McLaughlin, Edmonton, Alberta (Seller) 2 months ago

How I Liv

  • If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
    My Grandmother, I miss her home cooking and her stories.
  • What's the best vacation you've ever taken?
    We took our kids to Maui; it was great to spend that time with the family, and it truly is paradise. I would love to go back every year if I could.
  • If you could personally witness one event in history, what would it be?
    Martin Luther King's" I have a dream" speech, President Kennedy "do not ask what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country" speech… The 60's in general as it was a shift in the way North America viewed life.
  • What's your favourite restaurant in Edmonton?
    Il Pasticcio, my wife is Italian.
  • If you could be a character in a book or movie, which one would you be?
    James Bond (Sean Connery version) who was ever cooler than that? Plus, he always reminded me of my father.
  • If you could trade places with any famous person, living or dead, who would it be, and what would you do differently?
    President Kennedy – I'd take a scenic route that missed the Book Depository area. Things would have been a lot different.

Contact Lindsay to help you with your next home.