Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 633 (580, 696, 590)
Sales: 434 (396, 427, 317)
Ratio: 69% (68%, 61%, 54%)
Price Changes: 373 (345, 319, 297)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 308 (155, 181, 190)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: -109 (29, 88, 83)
Active single-family home listings: 2791 (2859, 2820, 2736)
Active condo listings: 1747 (1744, 1721, 1666)
Homes 4-week running average: $472 ($477, $474, $471)
Condos 4-week running average: $220 ($212, $208, $203)

576 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 580 (696, 590, 605)
Sales: 396 (427, 317, 346)
Ratio: (61%, 54%, 57%)
Price Changes: 345 (319, 297, 346)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 155 (181, 190, 276)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: 29 (88, 83, -17)
Active single-family home listings: 2859 (2820, 2736, 2695)
Active condo listings: 1744 (1721, 1666, 1618)
Homes 4-week running average: $477 ($474, $471, $465)
Condos 4-week running average: $212 ($208, $203, $205)

508 Views, 0 Comments

The spring market is gaining momentum, but it's not the same flood of buyers we saw last spring.  Nathan Mol with Liv Real Estate® spoke to Joel Schlesinger about the new type of buyers we are seeing in a recent Edmonton Journal article. 

"Local realtor Nathan Mol with Liv real estate agrees, noting that condominium sales “have been quite active lately.” In the past 30 days, the city saw 448 apartment transactions, up 40 per cent over 2019.

Still, single-family homes in the mid-range prices are the first-choice option for many. “ The sweet spot for many buyers this spring so far is for (detached) homes in the $400,000 to $600,00 price bracket,” says Mol.""

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in…

866 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 590 (605, 455, 521)
Sales: 317 (346, 323, 334)
Ratio: 54% (57%, 71%, 64%)
Price Changes: 297 (346, 313, 295)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 190 (276, 161, 159)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: 83 (-17, -29, 28)
Active single-family home listings: 2736 (2695, 2684, 2683)
Active condo listings: 1666 (1618, 1591, 1611)
Homes 4-week running average: $471 ($465, $461, $451)
Condos 4-week running average: $203 ($205, $209, $209)

577 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 605 (455, 521, 589)
Sales: 346 (323, 334, 306)
Ratio: 57% (71%, 64%, 52%)
Price Changes: 346 (313, 295, 250)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 276 (161, 159, 171)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: -17 (-29, 28, 112)
Active single-family home listings: 2695 (2684, 2683, 2644)
Active condo listings: 1618 (1591, 1611, 1590)
Homes 4-week running average: $465 ($461, $451, $445)
Condos 4-week running average: $205 ($209, $209, $212)

574 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 455 (521, 589, 526)
Sales: 323 (334, 306, 292)
Ratio: 71% (64%, 52%, 56%)
Price Changes: 313 (295, 250, 241)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 161 (159, 171, 138)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: -29 (28, 112, 96)
Active single-family home listings: 2684 (2683, 2644, 2544)
Active condo listings: 1591 (1611, 1590, 1528)
Homes 4-week running average: $461 ($451, $445, $442)
Condos 4-week running average: $209 ($209, $212, $212)

732 Views, 6 Comments

The 5-year Canada bond yield hit a 12-month low last week, causing fixed mortgage rates to drop.  This unexpected turn of events may be jump starting the spring market as potential buyers can now secure attractive rates. We saw many homebuyers putting their plans on hold due to high interest rates last year, but we're now seeing many of those buyers back are ready to jump into the market.

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 521 (589, 526, 524)
Sales: 334 (306, 292, 279)
Ratio: 64% (52%, 56%, 53%)
Price Changes: 295 (250, 241, 250)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 159 (171, 138, 266)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: 28 (112, 96, -21)
Active single-family home…

629 Views, 1 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 589 (526, 524, 433)
Sales: 306 (292, 279, 251)
Ratio: 52% (56%, 53%, 58%)
Price Changes: 250 (241, 250, 228)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 171 (138, 266, 161)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: 112 (96, -21, 21)
Active single-family home listings: 2644 (2544, 2481, 2462)
Active condo listings: 1590 (1528, 1506, 1483)
Homes 4-week running average: $445 ($442, $444, $441)
Condos 4-week running average: $212 ($212, $208, $204)

496 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 526 (524, 433, 522)
Sales: 292 (279, 251, 257)
Ratio: 56% (53%, 58%, 49%)
Price Changes: 241 (250, 228, 223)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 138 (266, 161, 160)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: 96 (-21, 21, 105)
Active single-family home listings: 2544 (2481, 2462, 2464)
Active condo listings: 1528 (1506, 1483, 1480)
Homes 4-week running average: $442 ($444, $441, $447)
Condos 4-week running average: $212 ($208, $204, $202)

548 Views, 0 Comments

Here is our update on the Edmonton real estate market. (Previous week’s numbers are in brackets). For the past 7 days:

New Listings: 524 (433, 522, 475)
Sales: 279 (251, 257, 240)
Ratio: 53% (58%, 49%, 51%)
Price Changes: 250 (228, 223, 243)
Expired/Off-Market Listings: 266 (161, 160, 158)
Net loss/gain in listings this week: -21 (21, 105, 77)
Active single-family home listings: 2481 (2462, 2464, 2373)
Active condo listings: 1506 (1483, 1480, 1449)
Homes 4-week running average: $444 ($441, $447, $444)
Condos 4-week running average: $208 ($204, $202, $201)

515 Views, 0 Comments